The Joy of Slow Travel

Dot on the horizon
There is no better sensation for the traveller than waiting on a pier on a remote island, looking out to sea towards the horizon and seeing a tiny dot suddenly appear, gradually, slowly, it gets closer and closer, until suddenly it is right infront of you. You know then, that it will not be long before you are away again, moving on to the next destination.

First of many tricycles turns up at the pier Semirara
Whenever possible I arrive early to feel and enjoy the atmosphere surrounding the arrival of the daily or weekly boat.The hustle and bustle of tricycles, porters and the arrival goods waiting to be loaded. Everyone is anticipating its arrival.
The dot becomes bigger and more recognisable and suddenly it is there alongside the pier. Ropes being thrown to the shore. The crew dashing about trying to secure the vessel and then it swivels and is manoeuvred into position and finally docks.

The dot becomes bigger

Suddenly its here
Passengers begin to disembark. The departing become restless to board. Then once boarded the wait for departure. This is the real travel that i love so much. Slow travel. Time to take in everything and absorb the atmosphere that is happening around me. Enjoying the people and new experiences. No need to rush through the horrendous security of an airport to board an anonymous flight to anywhere.

Throwing the ropes to shore
The secret to getting the most out of your travels is inversely connected to the speed in which you travel through it. The faster you go and the more you do, the less you experience.
So slow down, spend less time in train stations, and more time in the café getting to know the local culture – Matthew Kepnes

Securing the boat
With Slow Travel you can use your 5 senses to their limit. Taste the adventure and really enjoy the moment.

Passengers Disembark
Sometimes I travel the same route a few times and get to know the familiar faces of the crew that man the boat. They recognise and joke with me and it even feels like family. There is time also to bond with other passengers, enjoy small talk and make new friends making Slow travel the real joy of life.
There’s a virtue in slowness, which we have lost………. Graham Greene, Monsignor Quixote

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The Joy of Slow Travel
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Audere Est Facere – – To Dare is To Do
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