The Road to Somewhere Else
As the days approach you feel restless. The road is calling. The road to somewhere else. Those feet are telling you to move, it’s time to go, it’s time to leave, you check your backpack and make sure you have everything long before the departure date.
Passport, wallet, bank cards, tickets, laptop ……………. the list goes on.
Eventually the day arrives and as you close the door behind you and walk down the drive a certain weight seems to lift itself from your shoulders and you become light-headed. You’ve been there before, each time you leave and you settle into the routine you know so well.
On the Road to Somewhere Else is one of the best feelings a traveller can have. Its where a traveller feels most at home. Unsure where he’ll end up that day. There’s a choice.You can make it a slow travel, wandering here, there and everywhere for a while, unsure of your end destination, just heading where the fancy takes you or you can head straight to somewhere else, wherever that may be.
You can live in the moment, but that moment exists in another place. And you have to get there!
You may start out alone but you are not lonely. People come and go. That guy that sat beside you on the chicken bus, the vendor you bought a bag of peanuts from, that girl with the nice smile who waved as she alighted from the bus. You are content watching the passing landscape along the road to somewhere else.
You’re in your element when you’re moving, whether it be by bus, train or boat. The road to somewhere else is always with you until you find your special place.
Sometimes you strike gold. Somewhere Else resonates with you.
You are happy to stay a while and a while longer. You make new friends, and staying in one place helps you catch up with work and create new projects, but secretly, in the back of your mind, you’re like a drug addict, thinking ahead to the next fix.
There’s always somewhere else to go and another way to get there.
And if you don’t find what you’re looking for when you make it to the other side, well, that’s okay. Because there’s always the Road to Somewhere Else waiting for you.
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