Born to Wander

Life on the Open Road

Born to Wander

We’ve been called a lot of things—travellers, nomads, adventurers. But really, we’re just people who can’t stay in one place for long. We’re always on the move, exploring new places and living life as it comes.

We come from all kinds of backgrounds: big cities, small towns, beach spots, and snowy cities. But no matter where we start, we all end up in the same place: on the road.

For us, it’s not about being rich or having lots of money. We value courage over cash when it comes to travel. We’re not after luxury trips; we work hard, save up, and travel by making sacrifices. We don’t need fancy hotels or expensive restaurants—we’re just as happy sleeping in a hammock, a tent, or even on a concrete floor if it means we get to keep exploring.

We’ve slept in all sorts of places: boats, train stations, bamboo huts with local tribes, and houses on stilts. And you know what? We’ve got used to it. Comfort is overrated when you’ve got a whole world to see. A lot of us don’t even have homes, and if we do, we’re probably renting them out so we can travel more.

We’ve learnt that owning less stuff actually makes life better. We don’t buy things we don’t need, and we’re happier for it. What really makes us feel alive is being out there, moving, discovering new places with just a backpack. Every new day is a chance for something incredible.

We soak up every new culture we find. Even if we don’t speak the language, we know that a smile says everything. And we’ve learnt to roll with whatever comes our way—bad days, little problems, or unexpected challenges. Instead of letting those things get to us, we accept them and keep going.

We’re not scared of travelling alone, facing our fears, or taking risks. We’ve learnt that the brighter we keep our outlook, the fewer shadows we see. We follow the sunrises, sunsets, and stars, knowing that no matter where we are, we’re never truly alone.

Our hearts are tied to the road. Even when we’re not travelling, we’re thinking about our next trip. Every time we hear a plane overhead or a train whistle by, we smile because we know we’ll be on one soon. We dream about new destinations all the time, and our hunger for travel never goes away.

Travel isn’t just about going places for us—it’s about growing, learning, and evolving. We find clarity in the blur of landscapes speeding past us through bus and train windows. This life of constant motion is where we belong.

These are the stories we’ll tell—about adventures, about dreams we chased, about fears we conquered. We believe that wanderlust lives in everyone and that we all have the choice to follow it.

We’re not saying you should drop everything and hit the road right now—unless you feel it in your bones, then maybe you should! What we’re saying is that when you let go of all the extra stuff in life, you find real freedom. It’s not always easy, and it’s not always perfect, but it’s worth it.

When you open yourself up to the world, you start peeling away the layers and find your true self. We don’t just travel to see cool places—we do it to learn, grow, and feel everything life has to offer.

One day, when we’re old and grey, we’ll sit under the stars with our grandkids, telling them stories about our wild adventures, the places we fell in love with, and the lessons we learnt on the road. And those stories will inspire them to start their own journey.

For us, the road is home. It’s where we’ve found our truth, and it’s where we’ll keep wandering, one adventure at a time. We were Born to Wander.

Me and Mum Port Said 1955 Born to Wander

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Born to Wander

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  Audere Est Facere – – To Dare is To Do

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