by SilverBackpacker | Contributors, Philippines
Top 5 Favourite Islands in the Philippines Top Philippine Islands Best Philippine Islands Top Philippine Islands Silverbackpacker welcomes Gamintraveler for this weeks Travel Blogger contribution post. Gamintraveler introduces us to their 5 Favourite Top...
by SilverBackpacker | Cambodia, Contributors, Siem Reap
Cambodia as a Tourist Destination The Kingdom of Cambodia that is located almost at the other end of the world can not complain about the lack of visitors Where to go when travelling in Cambodia from all over the planet. There are several reasons for this: exotic,...
by SilverBackpacker | Contributors
Forget the beach, try a cycling holiday in 2019 Cycling Holidays in 2019 Forget the beach, try a cycling holiday in 2019 What’s most enjoyable, a beach or cycling holiday? On the face of it that question might seem somewhat of a no-brainer. One requires...
by SilverBackpacker | Cambodia, Contributors, Siem Reap
10 Fun Things to Do in Siem Reap, Cambodia What to do in Siem Reap, Cambodia 10 Fun Things to Do in Siem Reap, Cambodia Cambodia has risen from the clouds of its dark past to become one of the best travel destinations in Asia. While the stunning Angkor Wat...
by SilverBackpacker | Abra, Contributors, Filipino Food, Philippines
Biyahe Ni Drew Tastes Abrenian Delicacies #BNDAbra The Taste of Abra Drew Arellano dines with Marlo Cordero Avero in Dolores, Abra The Taste of Abra by Marlo Cordero Avero No trip and certainly no TV travel show, to Abra is complete without tasting some of the...
by SilverBackpacker | Abra, Contributors, Philippines
A Day of Adventure in Apao & Piwek Rock Formations Guest Post by Nyssa of Nys Discoveries Apao Rolling HillsPiwek Rock Formations I had been wanting to go to the Piwek Rock Formations for a long time now and when Nyssa invited me to join her and her sister on a...