How to protect your eyes when travelling in the UK

Eye Care Tips for Travellers



How to protect your vision during your UK Trip

How to protect your eyes when travelling in the UK

Everyone knows that a visit to the UK is definitely full of surprises. These surprises are not always pleasant and sometimes have to do with your own health. In particular, your eyesight may be affected by your exposure to the elements (sun and snow) or the general discomfort of your trip.

In this case, problems may arise that you did not anticipate, which may require medical attention. So to protect your eyes and your general health during a trip to the UK, you should consider some essential prevention steps:

Adopt a healthy and balanced diet

Proper nutrition can make a huge difference in eye health. Eat foods rich in nutrients, such as zinc, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids to avoid vision problems such as macular degeneration. Their primary sources are fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, citrus fruits, oysters, eggs and nuts.

Wash your hands regularly

Rubbing the eyes with dirty hands can cause many problems, such as conjunctivitis, due to the transmission of germs. Therefore, you should always wash your hands before touching your eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses. Also, when you go out, do not forget to have the antiseptic gel with you, so you can always have your hands clean.


Limit Exposure to Blue Light Devices

Did you know that the blue light emitted by our cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices penetrates the retina? Damage to the cells of the eye destroys vision and, over time, can even cause blindness.

To keep your eyes healthy, adjust the screen of your electronic devices so that the colour of the light emitted is warmer or towards yellow, which is more eye-friendly. You can also choose to turn on the night screen light automatically by adjusting the on and off times.


Wear Sunglasses

Take care of your eyesight by wearing sunglasses even in limited sunshine. Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation and, at the same time, protect you from the glare caused by the sun. If you really care about the health of your eyes, invest in a pair of high-quality sunglasses with an ultraviolet protection filter, and you will not regret it.

Do Not Smoke

We may be aware of the effects of smoking on the heart and lungs, but many of us do not realize that smoking can lead to vision loss, increasing the risk of cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Another good reason, then, to quit smoking not only during your trip but also in your life in general.


Schedule Regular Eye Check-ups

Early diagnosis of a vision problem, or detection of the cause of vision loss, can significantly increase the chances of a complete cure. Most professionals recommend that you get tested every 1-2 years depending on your age and history, and more often if you have had any problems in the past.

If you are concerned about a possible problem, consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. You can visit an optician in Southampton who can examine you and solve your eye problem right away, without worrying about the rest of your trip.

You can also visit an ophthalmologist anywhere in the UK if you have any issues and are looking for an immediate solution.

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