Drinking Water in the Philippines
Use a water refilling station
Everyone needs to drink water. You can either keep buying those plastic bottles and throw the empty ones away or do what i do and buy a big one litre reusable bottle when you arrive, or better still, carry one with you always, and each time you finish the water just head for the nearest water filling station and top it up for between P4 and P12.
They will also clean your bottle for you too.

Blue Coloured Water Refilling Station
Nearly all the water stations are painted Blue. Are owned by local people who take out a franchise from a company like “Living Water”. So by using them you are helping local people make a living, and also you help to cut down plastic waste by not disposing of bought bottles.
The more popular touristic islands like Boracay are the more expensive where i pay P12 for a refill. Out in the provinces like Mindoro i have paid as little as P4 in Mamburao. I have found that most places charge around P5.
If your hostel has a water machine for guests to use, then try topping up from there even if your bottle is half full …… its better to have a full bottle of drinking water than a half empty one !!!!!!

refilling water bottle from my 5 gallon container
If you are staying longer in one town it may be worthwhile buying your drinking water in bulk. I usually have a big blue container that holds around 5 Gallons of water and costs around P30 and will last me for at least 2 weeks.
Some towns have a collection and delivery service. Just leave your 20L blue container outside your house and the filling station will collect the empty one and return it full.
If there is no door to door service then you should take it to your nearest filling station and wait for it to be refilled.

I no longer use plastic water bottles or even buy water in a plastic bottle. I always have my reusable one litre bottle with me and refill where i can. Good places to refill include fastfood chains, water stations, hotels and hostels.
If you are out hiking be sure to lookout for fresh water springs along the trail. These are usually marked with a bamboo channel sticking out from the rocks.

Essential Travel Guides
Tips for Survival in the Philippines
#1 Drinking Water
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