5 Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra
Nature is the Driving Force of AbraLet’s Explore 5 Wild and Beautiful Places in Abra, Philippines
Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra
As we hike down, over and around the province of Abra, we see an exceedingly broken but wild and beautiful land, with the mountain ranges succeeding one another like the waves of the sea.
The first impression is one of barrenness. The forest vanishes, and in its place are long grassy slopes, broken here and there by scattered pines and lower down by dense growths of the graceful, feathery bamboo.
Numerous streams plunge from the high mountains toward the coast. In places they rush through deep gorges between high mountains, again they pass peacefully through mountain valleys.
Everywhere they are fed by minor streams and waterfalls until at last, as they emerge into the broader valleys of the Abra River and its tributaries, they are rivers of respectable size.
Nature has, over thousands of years, created this wondrous landscape that we know as Abra.
In the following article I have collated just 5 Wild and Beautiful Places in Abra. There are many, many more. Too many for a blog post, so make your way here and discover for yourself these and other Abramazing places.
Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra – Kinaud Pool & Rock Formation, Malibcong
Malibcong is between 3 to 5 hours travel from Bangued depending on your mode of transport.
Natural Beauty comes easy in Abra. An hours hike down the Malanas River from the jump off point brings you to the Kinaud Rock Formations.
This trek involves a few river crossings, some rock hopping and boulder climbing along the way.
The reward is a natural pool to swim in with a water slide carved out over the years by the cool clear river as it finds its way through the gorge.

Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra – Kili Falls and Hotspring, Tubo
The trip to Kili is long and arduous with two big river crossings and a seemingly never ending road from Tubo to Kili.
Wild and Beautiful are the key words here.
The road is not paved but the scenery is breathtaking. Once in Kili you will experience the true hospitality of the Maeng Tribe.
Kili is turbo powered by Nature. The Powerful falls have created a huge basin where exotic fish are caught.
A short walk from the Falls is the Hot Spring pool which is fed by an underground thermal current and is the perfect place to soak away your aches and pains and experience a Spa powered by Nature

Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra – Kaungugan Cave, Luba
Let’s head to Luba for some Underground adventure.
Luba is one of the easier Municipalities to travel to in Abra, just one jeepney ride and one river crossing away from Bangued.
Getting to Kaungugan Cave is another matter. From the drop off point there is an hours hike over one mountain with some spectacular views of the Abra River flood plains and Manabo Bridge along the trail.
From the top the exposed rock face that hides the cave entrance soon comes into view. Inside are some interesting formations created over thousands of years. Be sure to bring a flashlight to enjoy the full splendour of this creation.
Be prepared to get wet too as there is also a small underground pool with a mini Kaparkan Falls like waterfall at the end of it.

Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra – Basakal Falls, Daguioman
The three-hour drive to Daguioman may wear you out, especially if you ride a jeepney. Don’t worry as, it will definitely be interesting. Abra’s landscape will act like a preview to the main attraction, the Basakal Falls.
Venturing on a trip to this beauty during the rainy season will be wild. I heard you get to use a raft to reach the falls on a summer’s day. But one can’t do this when the current is too strong.
The power of this body of water is evident in the strong wind and the shower that welcomes you in a cave-like enclosure which holds the ice cold water in a pool, before flowing it’s way back to the river.
While you trek from the village to the falls, open your senses and notice the beauty of the simple life in this hidden paradise in Abra.

Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra – Mt. Pisusok, Tineg
Although Mt Pisusok is only 1124 masl the summit offers a 360 degree panoramic view of the wild and beautiful rugged terrain of Abra.
After a couple of hours hike from the jumpoff point in Sitio Vira, through the scenic Apao Rolling Hills, a couple of river crossings and passing through Barangay Apao you will begin the ascent of Mt.Pisusok.
The pine forest after a couple of hours climbing is a welcome sight. Enjoy the smell of pine needles, and listen to the wind whispering as it blows between the trees. The campsite is at the far end of the pine forest within sight of the summit, 100 metres above.
Here you can either set up a tent, or weather permitting, hang a hammock between two trees, before climbing to the summit for one of the best sunset views in Abra, and if you still have energy in the morning, climb again for sunrise.
There are two choices for the return hike – either return the same way back to Sitio Vira, or if you have time and energy and can spend up to another 2 days in the wilds of Abra, there’s the possibility of hiking the traverse to Lacub and from there returning to Bangued.

Essential Travel Guides
5 Wild and Beautiful Places
of Abra
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How to travel to Abra from Manila
By Bus
- From Metro Manila, there are three bus companies operating along the Manila to Bangued route.
Partas Bus Company, Viron Transit and Dominion Bus Lines. - Journey time is around 10 hours
- Fare at time of writing is P600
Bus Companies that link Bangued with other destinations are
Bangued to Manila, Baguio – Partas Bus Company
Bangued to Manila, Baguio – Dominion Bus Lines
Bangued to Baguio – Sambrano Bus Lines
Bangued to Manila – Viron Transit
Bangued to Vigan, Tuguegarao – Esonice Bus Lines
Bangued to Baguio, Vigan, Laoag – BBL Transit
By Air
There are no airports in Abra.
- Cebu Pacific has daily flights to Laoag.
- From Laoag take a bus to Vigan and change there for a bus to Bangued
How to Book Your Tours around Abra
The best way to book your trips around Abra is with Abramazing Tours. They are a local group of enthusiasts and experts on Everything Abra.
There is an Office at the Pasalubong Centre just before the Tangadan Tunnel as you enter the Province or you can
Contact Abramazing Tours on Facebook
5 Wild and Beautiful Places of Abra
More #Abramazing Places
Day Trip from Bangued
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