I was very tired, worn out and mentally drained from walking around the disaster areas of Tacloban that were devestated by the typhoon yolanda last November 2013. I decided to make my way back along the main road towards the bus terminal where i would take a bus out to Ormoc.

Children of Tacloban

My legs were very heavy and as I passed by a small run down building all these children ran out into the road and excitedly gathered round me and asked me to watch their dancing practice. Of course they saw my camera and also wanted pictures taken. I was hesitant about entering the small room but their smiles and laughter raised my spirits and i felt myself being led by both arms into the room.

Children of Tacloban

Group photo of Tacloban kids

Immediately they lined up and someone produced a mobile phone with some music on it and they started to organise themselves and began dancing. It was a joy to watch them and hard to believe that just a few short months before they were struggling to survive the forces of nature that were thrown at them on that disastrous morning

Children of Tacloban

I managed to record a short video of their efforts for all to see and for us all to remember that despite hardships and setbacks we can move on and recover. Their smiles and laughter are living proof of that.

Thankyou Children of Tacloban for the happiness you gave me with your smiles and laughter 🙂

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