I had heard of The Starfish Project before i arrived in Cambodia and was determined to pay them a visit. The Starfish Project can be found in a small narrow backstreet in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. It took me sometime to actually find it as there were not any signs, or any that were obvious, to lead me there.

Entrance to the Starfish Bakery and Cafe

Entrance to the Starfish Bakery and Cafe

The Starfish Project in Sihanoukville was started in 2001. The Starfish Centre provides employment opportunities for Cambodian people with disabilities in its bakery and café,  massage, and shop. All employees have some kind of disability which makes it difficult for them to obtain meaningful employment elsewhere.

Walking round the courtyard of Starfish Project

Walking round the courtyard of Starfish Project

I asked a tricycle driver who pointed me down a narrow side street and explained that it was about 100 metres on the left. They have a lovely little bakery there where you can eat a freshly baked cake and drink coffee and all proceeds go to supporting the projects work in helping disabled children and adults learn new skills to help them lead a normal life.

The outside dining area at Starfish Bakery and Cafe

The outside dining area at Starfish Bakery and Cafe

The Starfish Project got its name from the following parable: A Buddhist monk was on the beach with his apprentice the day after a fierce storm. Thousands of starfish had been washed up and stranded on the shore. Stooping down, the monk carefully lifted a single creature and returned it to the sea. His young apprentice wondered aloud why his master bothered to do this when it made little difference to the mass of helpless creatures. As they walked along, the monk picked up another single starfish and replied, “It makes a difference to just this one.” (Taken from their website http://www.starfishcambodia.org/)
Breakfast at Starfish Bakery

Breakfast at Starfish Bakery

I decided to have an afternoon snack and also a late breakfast there the next morning. The old house which is the bakery has been renovated and is a nice cool place to hang out and get away from the noisy Sihanoukville streets. Around the courtyard are several massage rooms and a small shop where they sell  handicrafts and souvenirs.

Afternoon coffee and chocolate brownie at Starfish Bakery

Afternoon coffee and chocolate brownie at Starfish Bakery

There is plenty of shade to relax and enjoy the fresh food in the Cafe area surrounded by lots of greenery.

Even though the food is a little bit more expensive than out on the street it is well worth visiting this place to help support the work of the project.

About Starfish

About Starfish

You can read more about The Starfish Project on their website    http://www.starfishcambodia.org and if you are in Sihanoukville go along and enjoy a snack or breakfast there in the bakery, have a massage or buy some handmade souvenirs from their shop knowing that you will be helping a disabled person to learn the skills to live a good life.

Plenty of greenery in Starfish Entrance and Courtyard

Plenty of greenery in Starfish Entrance and Courtyard


How to get to the Starfish Project

The Starfish Bakery is located down a small street off of 7 Makara St. Find your way to the Phsar Leu Market which is also on 7 Makara St. and walk downhill along the busy main road for about 500 metres. You will come to a busy cross junction. Take the next left turn down a small street and the Starfish is located about 50 metres walk . See map below

Addressoff 7 Makara St in Downtown Sihanoukville

Tel: +855(0) 12 952 011

Opening hours: Morning till Mid Afternoon

Map of Sihanoukville showing starfish

Map of Sihanoukville showing location of starfish bakery




The Starfish Project Sihanoukville, Cambodia

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