Travel In Comfort With The Ultimate Travel Essentials Packing List
The Ultimate Travel Essentials Packing List
The Ultimate Travel Essentials Packing List
For many people across the UK and the rest of the world travel plans for 2020 have been thrown into limbo with no clear sign of what to expect or when we can travel again, and what limitations will be in place once we can travel.
There is one thing for sure and that is the desire to travel and explore new lands is still burning for many people and will continue to do so until the travel restrictions are lifted.
To keep that fire burning we have been working hard to put together the ultimate packing list for when we can go travelling.

Appropriate Baggage
To start things off, you need to make sure to choose the right baggage to carry everything in, if you are travelling for prolonged periods you may need more than 1 bag to hold all your items, or you may need to take a bag for the hold and a piece of hand luggage.
One thing is for certain and that is quality as long-lasting and hardwearing is an absolute must, nothing would ruin your journey like a broken zip or snapped strap!
Start With The Essentials
To make your packing experience we would recommend starting with the essentials, such as plenty of underwear and clothes which are suitable for different occasions, this includes waterproofs and boots for any wet weather to help keep you dry, a formal outfit is always a good call as you never know where you could end up visiting.
I always take a few more comfortable items than I will require because it is always to be safe than sorry. If travelling with a group then you must consider having some personalised clothing for your squad, this way you all look the part and afterward you can look back ln your trip and the memories you made!
Making sure you pack enough toiletries is the difference between a comfortable trip and a, well let’s face it, smelly one! And if you are travelling with a group comfort would be far more favourable, for everyone. Keep in mind where you are travelling to and how long for as this will help identify the items you will need and what you will be able to purchase whilst travelling.

First Aid/Medicine
This one is an absolute must-have when travelling as you can never be too careful and you never know what is around the corner. Make sure you have plenty of plasters, pain killers, and water replacement supplements to start with, then using this NHS guide you can check off what you have and what you still need, using advice from the professionals.
Personal Items/Carry on
If like me you have packed enough for 2 people then you are going to require a carry on piece of hand luggage but I see this as a saving grace and I can store a few select items in my hand luggage such as my smartphone and charger, headphones and my book.
I also like to keep an inflatable travel pillow and a change of clothes, just in case the worst were to happen, and I become separated from my luggage.
Having a carry-on bag also allow you to keep all your travel documents such as tickets, passport, and boarding pass, as well as any cash and other documentation all together and on your person at all times giving security and peace of mind.
The last item on our list is a crucial piece to your packing puzzle, and comes highly recommended, hence leaving it until last so you don’t forget! Make sure you pack a padlock, or even better a combination lock so there is no key to lose.
There is the possibility that whilst travelling you will check into a hostel or shared accommodation and the last thing you want is your belongings being tampered with so a combination or padlock is great for keeping your precious belongings safe and sound.

Travel In Comfort
With The Ultimate Travel Essentials
Packing List
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