Much has been written about Boracay and its pristine white sands and Paradise label. It can seem from first impressions that this island really is a small piece of Paradise as the average tourist comes here for two to three weeks and then flies home with all their stunning photographs of the blue sea, white sands and fantastic night life.

Boats ferry passengers to Caticlan
Unseen Boracay
Whilst this image of Boracay holds true for the tourist, the traveller sees it in a different light. There is the Unseen Boracay that nobody pays attention to.
Starting over the water from Boracay at the ferry terminal in Caticlan. Everyone passing through this terminal, and it is more or less compulsory as Boracay has a one way in, one way out policy,has to pay 75 pesos for what is called an “Environmental tax”.
You would be forgiven for thinking that the local government is very concerned with preserving this Island. Wrong !!!!!

Polluting Tricycles in Boracay
It is just another money making machine of which brings in millions of pesos every year. Once on the island you will soon discover that there is not much attention paid to environmental concerns. Hundreds of tricycles, the islands only means of a taxi service, ply up and down the only main road which runs the 7km length the length of the island belching out exhaust fumes everywhere.
There is talk of introducing solar powered tricycles but as TIP ( this is the Philippines) will no doubt take a long time.

Noisy, Polluting Bug Cars in Boracay
A craze on the island at the moment is to join a Bug Car convoy and drive slowly around the island making lots of noise and swallowing lots of dust. These bug cars are also noisy polluters. I just do not see the point in using such a machine to drive slowly in convoy inhaling exhaust fumes from the bug car in front!!!!
The infrastructure here is just not made for them and they cause lots of problems for pedestrians walking by the road.There is also the added danger of inexperienced drivers taking control of them as no proof of a driving licence is required when hiring one.
Noise pollution has become very popular all over the world. This is the horns of vehicles peeped continuously for a longer time in the streets which causes damages to our ears. This activity should be obstructed over the streets by the policemen.